BrainFuck Interpreter

A simple BrainFuck Interpreter written in C

Published on Oct 01, 2023

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Brainfuck Interpreter

This is a simple Brainfuck interpreter written in C.

Table of Contents


Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller. It is known for its extreme minimalism, with the language using only eight simple commands, an instruction pointer, and an array of memory cells, each initialized to zero.

This project provides a basic Brainfuck interpreter that can execute Brainfuck programs.


To run a Brainfuck program:

./bf <filename>

Replace <filename> with the path to the Brainfuck program file you want to execute.

You can also run a Brainfuck program directly from the command line using the -c option:

./bf -c "++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++>+++<<<-]>+."


To build the Brainfuck interpreter, use the provided Makefile:


This will generate the executable named bf.

Adding the Executable to PATH

To use the Brainfuck interpreter globally and access it from anywhere, you can add the executable to your system’s PATH.

You can move the executable in /bin:

sudo mv bf /bin/