OCR Sudoku Solver

An Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to solve Sudoku

Published on Dec 08, 2022

Built with



First defence for OCR Project at EPITA by four A2 students.

How to use

Solve a Sudoku Board

cd Solver/
./solver <boardFilename>

It will write the solution in the file <boardFilename>.result.

The XOR Perceptron

cd Neural_Network/
./perceptron <nbEpochs> (or by default 10_000)

It will train the XOR perceptron and display the result of the training each 100 epochs and save the result in xor.nn.

Image Processing

cd IMGProcess/
./rotate <imageFilename>

It will display the image in a window allowing you to rotate it with arrow keys and save the result with RETURN key in <imageFilename>_rotated.bmp.

Display a Sudoku Board

cd Renderer/
./sudrend <boardFilename>

It will also create a file named <boardFilename>.png in the same directory.

Generate a Sudoku Board

cd Solver/
./generate <boardFilename> <difficulty>

It will generate a pseudo-random board in the file <boardFilename>.gen with <difficulty> number of blank square.