PW Crack 3

May 12, 2024
100 points
33230 solves

Challenge Files

  • level3.flag.txt.enc
    Encrypted/Binary File
  • level3.hash.bin
    Encrypted/Binary File
    Python Source Code
    Python Source Code

PW Crack 3

Category: General Skills - Points: 100 - Solves: 33230
Can you crack the password to get the flag? Download the password checker here and you’ll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too. There are 7 potential passwords with 1 being correct. You can find these by examining the password checker script.

This challenge is here to introduce us to hashing, while with the two previous one we could get the password by looking at the password checking code directly, this one is using MD5 which hash the password. Thankfully in the source code we are provided with a list of password :

# The strings below are 7 possibilities for the correct password.
#   (Only 1 is correct)
pos_pw_list = ["6997", "3ac8", "f0ac", "4b17", "ec27", "4e66", "865e"]

As we are told that one of the 7 password is correct, we should simply write a simple function that test all of them until it finds the corresponding hash:

pos_pw_list = ["6997", "3ac8", "f0ac", "4b17", "ec27", "4e66", "865e"]

i = 0
n = len(pos_pw_list)

print("Trying to match each password with provided hash")
hashed_pw = hash_pw(pos_pw_list[i])
while i < n and hashed_pw != correct_pw_hash:
    print(f"{i+1}/{n} - {pos_pw_list[i]} {hashed_pw} != {correct_pw_hash}")
    i += 1
    hashed_pw = hash_pw(pos_pw_list[i])

if i < n:
    print("Password Matching Hash found ! : " + pos_pw_list[i])
    decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), pos_pw_list[i])

    print("No password in the list matched the hash")

Then we run it to match all password :

>>> python
Trying to match each password with provided hash
1/7 - 6997 b'\xc9\x04\x9d*F\xfe\xb0\xae-\xe6\xb0co2\xea\r' != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
2/7 - 3ac8 b"\x96H\xae#K\xd3'\xd6\x86\xf9\xd6\x844 p\xcd" != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
3/7 - f0ac b'\xeewQ\xa0]\xea\xd0\x1a67\x87)\xfd\x0c N' != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
4/7 - 4b17 b'\x03\x07\x81y\xea>\x83\x07V \xb5\xed\x18\xf9X\x94' != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
5/7 - ec27 b'\xf4\x17\x198\x89\x02\xe5\x1c\x11\x1aWx\xb4f\x9f\xcb' != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
6/7 - 4e66 b'\xcdi%\xa9\xd52E\xb1\x06\xa9~0?^.\xf7' != b'\x1b\x18\xe11o\x92\x18\xcc[\x05>\x1c\xea(\xe0.'
Password Matching Hash found ! : 865e

We got the flag :)
